History Of Sitges Church

Church of Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla (17th century). It houses two Gothic sepulchres (1317 and 1322), belonging to the an older church located on the same site. The baptistery has paintings from Pere Pruna, while the high altar has a Renaissance retablo (1499).

Plaça Ajuntament, 20
08870 Sitges

Contact / Contacte
Phone / Telèfon: 93 894 03 74
Email: parroquia@sitges.com
Web: www.parroquiadesitges.com/

Hours / Horari

Tuesday and Saturday / dimarts i dissabte
11 to 13 hours / hores

Thursday / dijous
20 to 21 hours / de 20 a 21 hores

The Church of St. Barthlomew and St. Tecla (In Catalan ‘Església de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla’ in ).

  • Built in the 17th Century with two Gothic tombs from the medieval version.
  • Impressive organ and Renaissance-era altarpiece
  • Paintings on the ceiling & wall
  • Dramatic part of Fiesta Mayor when light with fireworks & lights